There’s nothing like an original Roland Juno 106. It’s a fantastically easy-to-use, great sounding 80s polysynth that has proven to be very popular all around the world. However, the original voice chips in the 106 (also called 80017As) are known to have issues that cause individual (and eventually all) voices to become unstable and then fail completely. Luckily, there are clones of the voice chip available which can restore the synth to its original performance.
Having performed many of these repairs over the years, and encountering various issues with obtaining cloned 80017A voice chips including availability and high prices, we decided to start producing our own clone – the AVS-80017A. We’ve tested these new boards in a number of original Juno 106s and they are a direct replacement that sounds great!
Prices for the boards are $75NZD each (about $43USD), or $400NZD (about $230USD) for a full set of 6 voices (recommended). We strongly suggest utilising an experienced technician to install these, as it involves delicate desoldering from a 40+ year-old circuitboard. Luckily, if you bring your 106 into us in Christchurch, New Zealand, we can perform this for you! Repairs start at $60NZD, with replacing all 6 voices costing just $120NZD in labour.
If you’d like to purchase any of these AVS-80017A boards, or if you’d like to book in a time to have us replace them for you, just get in touch via the contact form.